Our Promise
We know that you want to purchase top quality fasteners at the lowest price possible and have them delivered in a timely manner to get your product to the market place on time.
We know that the fasteners you use in your product may be a small portion of the overall cost of production. However, every penny you save adds to the bottom line profit for your company.
We also know that you are bombarded with fastener companies promising you the lowest prices. We know that your time is money and that all you want is the easiest way to procure these items with the least amount of time and effort.
We know, and are sensitive to, the fact that you may have a relationship with the current supplier of your fastener needs. We also know that you can get comfortable with using the same supplier, however, there may be a supplier with lower prices and faster service that saves you time and money.
We promise to give you the best quote we possibly can with delivery dates that meet your schedule. By using our Fast Quote Form, you can simply fill out the items and quantities you need and fax or email it back to us. We promise to get you an answer within 8 BUSINESS HOURS.
Most vendors cannot make you that promise. WE DO! Just give us a try.